Crimson Cats at Audible

How to sign up to Audible and get our Audiobooks

Audible has the largest collection of audiobooks and ad-free audio content in the world.  It works as both a subscription service or you can simply buy books on a time-by-time basis.  

You can listen to audible books on your PC or Mac, or your phone or tablet.  It is simple and easy to use, you can find your way through a book easily, and you can even vary the playback speed.

If you wish to just buy our audiobooks, just follow the links on our front page to Audible, and add the book to your cart (desktop site) or click on Buy For XX on the mobile site.

However, if you are an audiobook lover, you may wish to subscribe.  Audible have a selection of plans both monthly and annual on offer, starting from $14.95 per month for the Gold Monthly.  

As part of the plans you get books cheaper and earn credits – one credit buys one audiobook.  For more on the membership benefits, go here.

And as a lovely perk, when you first sign up to Audible using the links on one of our audiobook’s Audible product pages, you will be able to get that title free as part of your trial. Not bad!

But whether you subscribe to Audible, or just buy our audiobooks singularly, we hope you love the unique titles from Crimson Cats.